The "Pobunjeni Um" is a Marxist internet magazine in
the Serbo-Croat language. It is the successor of "Crveni Kriticar"
web site. The purpose of this magazine is to provide information,
articles and analysis of the history of, and current events in, the class
struggle in FR Yugoslavia, the Balkans and the whole world; and
to provide educational material on dialectical materialism.
Due to limited resources, we are not able to translate all our articles
into English. All translated articles, however, will be listed and linked below
(the list will be updated periodically):
- NOTHING NEW IN THE BALKANS - THE ASSASINATION OF THE SERBIAN PRIME MINISTER ZORAN DJINDJIC - RAINY DAYS: An analysis of the failure of the Serbian presidential elections - ARE MARX’S CRITICISM OF CAPITALISM VALID? - THE STATE AND CAPITALISM: Theories of Public Goods - THE MISCONCEPTIONS OF THE PAST: The Critique of "Theses for Theory of Socialist Commodity Production" - STATE EDUCATION SYSTEM: Achievements and Problems - REFORM AND OUR SYSTEM: Where Are We Going? - THIS WAS MY YUGOSLAVIA - THREE MONTHS AFTER THE FALL OF MILOSEVIC: The Economy of Yugoslavia - AN EYEWITNESS REPORT: The day the people took over (updated) - OPPOSITION'S MYTHOLOGY: Rhetorical manipulations of domestic "democrats" - LETTER TO SERBIAN SOCIALISTS (In Defence of Marxism site)
The copying, printing and distribution of articles is free for all non-profit
purposes. Our written permission is required for any kind of commercial use.
If you are interested in assisting us, exchaning material and ideas with us, or financially supporting this magazine, you can contact us on this e-mail address: |